Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Hazards of Neglection

If I had to re-write the title, "The Perils of Indifference", I would change it to "The Hazards of Heartlessness". It is evident in the short story "The Lottery" that standing and doing nothing while injustice is going on is extremely destructive. The stoning in the "Lottery" is relevant to the events that occurred during World War 2. Many knew what was going on with the Holocaust and chose to ignore it. People who stood by while their own friends were being taken away by the Nazis. Either people became brainwashed and actually didn't see anything wrong with what was occurring, or they were just too wrapped up and didn't feel a need to get involved. In "The Lottery" the stoning didn't even phase anyone. They just stood there watching. I agree with the author of the speech; to be neglected is so much worse than to be the victim of anger. At least with anger people are giving you the time of day.

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